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Church For All Nations
         Bible College

Foundations of Systematic Theology

Welcome to Foundations of Systematic Theology, both certificate and diploma - level course designed to help you establish a foundation of concepts and terminology on which to build a theological framework. This foundation will prepare you to access important theological works and confidently discuss various teachings of Scripture and how they apply to life. The goal of this course is to equip you to understand God’s Word more fully. The course study will take two years, one year in certificate level and two years in diploma level

The course deals with the essentials of all major areas of systematic theology with the goal to orient you to the basic concepts and terminology necessary to understand God’s Word more accurately and deeply. The lectures focus on the overarching theme of God’s lordship using the three attributes of control, authority, and presence as a means of organizing the doctrines of Scripture. You will gain an understanding of how the great teachings of Scripture fit together and will be able to apply those teachings to life and ministry. Whether sitting in a traditional classroom or studying from a distance, students benefit from interaction and collaboration with other students. In order to meet this need in distance theological education, Church For All Nations Bible School offers structures and resources to encourage effective community interaction in this course.

All interested pastors, evangelists and other committed Christians can join our college either online or attend live classes. For those who attend live classes will pick up commitment forms at out college administration desk fill and return them bac and those who will be online can fill a form which can be found at

Coming Soon, Online Studies

Evangelism and

Health & Counselling HIV/AIDS
              Our vision on the expansion of our online bible courses, we will intrduce courses on,
Ministries For Women: Baptism by Water; Hermeneutics & Homiletics; Baptism of the Holy Spirit & Fire;

Evangelism and Christian Ministries *

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